How To Improve WiFi Network Coverage?

Having a sloppy internet connection even though your internet is working just fine because of a messed Wi-Fi connection can be unbearable at times because the signals won’t quite reach your room or the place where you usually sit and you end up suffering. There could be many reasons why you are having poor Wi-Fi coverage but here are some things that you can try to improve the coverage of your Wi-Fi Network.

Optimal Router Placement

Not every place where you put your router is suitable for your router. The router must be placed at a place where there are no metal objects and appliances are around it that also emit electromagnetic waves. These objects can disrupt the Wi-Fi and create a dead zone where the router is unable to transmit the signals as it should.

Similarly, if your router is placed at an area where there are a lot of objects around it then those objects obstruct the Wi-Fi signals due to which you’re not having the signals that you should have. If your router is in a cupboard or in the basement then try moving it to another place.

Keep your Router Updated

Another reason why you may be having issues with Wi-Fi Network Coverage is that your router is not updated to the latest firmware. If a router is not updated to the latest firmware then not only can it slow down the connection, but can also be affected by malware which in turn can create a lot of problems. Always keep your router updated to the latest firmware for the optimum performance.

Using a Wi-Fi Ranger Extender

Sometimes the router may have weak signals from the start and those routers aren’t powerful enough to transmit the signals all over the place. In such cases, a Wi-Fi Ranger Extender/Booster comes in handy and solves the issue where the original signal is weak.

These Wi-Fi Ranger Extender are devices that boost and amplify the signal of your existing signal and re-broadcast it as a new network which has a greater ranger than the original one and all of the data that go from these devices is from the main network. These devices are generally cheaper and you can easily find one in less than $50.

Using a different Wi-Fi Channel and Frequency

Wi-Fi signals are transmitted in lanes just like the highway and these lanes are called channel on which the Wi-Fi routers broadcast their signals. Most of the users having not much knowledge about this leave the router on the default channel.

If there are too many devices around then it can create a Wi-Fi Signal Jam where there are too many signals sent on the same channel. The can be fixed by switching to the channel which is the least occupied. This can be done through the Admin Panel of the router.

Just like channels, people also don’t change the frequency of the router and leave it on default, which is usually 2.4 GHz. You can change the frequency from 2.4 GHz to 5 GHz which provides faster internet speeds at shorter distances and is usually less busy than the 2.4 GHz wireless frequency.

Reboot your router

Last but not least, don’t forget to reboot your router occasionally. A reboot clears the memory and the router starts again which is often enough to improve the Wi-Fi Network Coverage.